Try Something New, January Challenge


This year I have challenged myself to try something new every single month. It is far too easy to find yourself stuck in the same routine, as I have found to be the case with myself. I refuse to let another year go by questioning where the time has gone and why I have not grown. This is what has inspired me to force myself into taking chances and making experiences that will change my mindset and mold me into the person that I want to become. This challenge is a way for me to make the intangible goal of self-progression and personal growth something that I can hold myself accountable for. The thing that I tried this first month was a photoshoot. Last April, I was approached by a photographer in Publix who asked if I would like to shoot with him. Naturally being the cautious, skeptical type, I immediately found myself questioning EVERYTHING.

"What kind of photos is he thinking about? I know JESUS!!!"

"What if I go and look so awkward during the shoot that he asks me to leave?"

"What happens if I need to pee and I am in a jumpsuit or something?"

"Do I know how to smize? Damn you, Tyra for making that up."

(If you think like I do, I am incredibly sorry. We'll do better together.)

After those 10 seconds a minor existential crisis, I said yes. I was leaving the country for a few weeks and let him know that I would not be able to shoot with him for a while. He simply told me to contact him when I returned. If you have caught on to my thought process thus far, you have probably already guessed that I did not call him. I repressed the thought because I did not want to think through why I did not make that phone call.

Over the past 8 months, I engaged in quite a bit of self-reflection and came to the conclusion that I am my own worst enemy. Instead of welcoming new experiences, I shy away and avoid thinking too deeply about them lest I be at fault for my lack of personal growth. Loe and behold, I am at fault. (Go figure!) Refusing to hold myself back any longer, I decided not to shy away from the unknown and call him back.

Long story short, it was fun! I was not as uncomfortable and awkward as I assumed I would be nor did I suddenly need to pee in the middle of it! (It's never that serious, folks. I could've just gone if I needed to.) There is not much to say about it other than I loved the experience and have found a new hobby that I enjoy. Few things are as scary as we tend to think they are, so let's be fearless!

xo Kashia Versae

(Yeah, I know that most people wouldn't have labeled that "scary" anyway-- but I did so leave me alone.)