Time Will Pass—Live Your Best Life

Time will pass whether or not you live your best life.

What is stopping you from living the life that you want to live?

Is it a good-willed, yet dream-stifling parent? Judgmental friends? Fear over what could go wrong? Fear over what could go right?

Whatever the reason may be for you, if I’m being entirely honest—it doesn’t matter.

I don’t say that to diminish your feelings or make light of your situation. I do not say that to minimize your reality or the challenges that you struggle with day in and out. I am saying it solely because it is true. Whether or not you live the life that you have always dreamed about does not matter to the world. It can’t matter. The world will never know what it missed out on if you never show it what you have to offer.


Some may read this and dismiss it entirely. That’s fine. Others may read it and be overwhelmed by thoughts that they do not matter if they don’t start acting now and where do I even begin and how do I live up to my potential when I don’t know what I enjoy doing and I can’t live my truth if I don’t know what my purpose is and—


They might work themselves into a frenzy and then, out of lack of answers and desperation to find one, become angry with what they’ve read because who is she to say this, she doesn’t  know my situation.Some might take what is written as confirmation that the life that they’ve lived thus far does not matter and accept that there is no need in trying if that much time is lost and there is no possible way to catch up now. That is not what I am trying to say by a long shot. At the risk of sounding as though I’m backpedaling, I also want to make it abundantly clear that your life is the most important experience that you will ever have. It does not matter if you have started living your most fulfilling life yet (or if you ever live the life that your kid-self created for you), you matter. Your life matters. It matters to you and all of the lives that you’ve touched simply by existing. That is a beautiful truth that you should dwell in—and it is enough to bring you peace for the remainder of your time here. 


This thing is—why stop there when you could have/bring/be so much more in this lifetime? Why not chase after everything you’ve ever even thought you wanted while you still have air in your lungs? If you live in your truth and chase the dream that was given to you, the joy that you are capable of experiencing and bringing others is infinite.


The truth that the world will keep spinning and the universe will not dismantle because of any single mistake that you make is a freeing realization. The truth that you are already enough just by being who you are and there is nothing that you have to do in order to be worthy or deserving of your dreams or your place in the world is your safety net. You are loved and worthy simply by being. 


 If you accept that as truth, what left is there for you to fear? You have complete freedom and safety. What is stopping you from reaching final form?


There’s nothing left but you. Do not allow yourself to be the person who kills your dreams. The time will pass whether or not you live your best life— so live it.