Rant: Why bother asking?
Do you want to know what I hate more than anything? (Probably not, but I'll tell you anyway.) I absolutely HATE it when someone asks me a question and then completely disregards what I say. Why bother asking in the first place? This can apply to almost any situation. Whether it be friends who ask you for relationship advice just to do the same thing with the same stupid boy over and over again. Or it could be someone asking you to choose between two outfits just so they could select the other one. Someone asking what you want and then proceeding to get you what they like. The list goes on and on. I'm sure that many people are going to think I'm being overly dramatic, but I disagree. (Clearly.) It just never made sense to me to ask someone a question that you really didn't care to hear the answer to. Why bother asking me at all? Just do what you want to do! That's what I do anyway. If I know that I don't really care what someone thinks or that I am going to do whatever I want anyway, I just won't ask you anything! That is the most logical and least irritating way to handle the situation in my opinion.
I'm clearly in a bit of a mood but it's just something I don't get. On a brighter note, I enjoyed being petty and writing this out here. This could be a thing. That is all I wanted to talk about today, so I'll leave this here. Bye y'all!
Kashia Versae